Roddy's Ramblings

Thoughts and tales; some of them may even be true.

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Location: Australia

Hopefully whatever there is to know about me will come through whatever is written below - whatever that may bring...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Learning Process... Dealing with illness

The Best Laid Plans O' Mice and Men Gang Aft Aglay... for the less educated amongst us (or for those who do not search google for an exact quote) - the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.

The week of plans to shoot the film have been dogged by illness and the after affects of recovering from that self-same illness. Trying to look into the script was like looking into an abyss and, as we all know, look into the abyss and it looks also into you. This leaves it back with working things around the schedule at work; but at least being back at work might re-align my brain to functioning in some reasonable manner. This weekend was not a time for any starbust of revelations.

The only beacon left burning at the moment is Anzac Day approaching next Tuesday (for those outside of Australia, check out the film Gallipoli for any explanation - at the very least you'll get to see Mel Gibson when he still had an Australian accent) giving a day to work through the script...


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